


Studying for any exam is difficult, and should never be rushed.  We at CVIR Education certainly want you to be successful in passing the Vascular or Cardiac Interventional exam.  Here are some tips to help:

  1. Set a definite date to take the exam. Giving yourself a deadline will ensure you study consistently.
  2. Study consistently. Experts have found that consistent study helps with your retention of the material and ensures that you will be able to recall it at the testing center.  Inconsistent study habits, procrastination, or sporadic studying will hinder rather than help.  Look at the material each day even if it is only a few minutes.  Even at the end of a long day on call, look at it for 5 minutes or so.  This will keep it fresh in your mind.
  3. Schedule your test for within 6 months of beginning to study. Experts say that you retain material for 3 weeks to 6 months.
  4. The original access is for 6 months. Our suggestion is to complete the guide in five months and then use the last month to review the weak areas and complete the practice exams.
  5. Don’t panic and don’t be afraid and don’t second-guess yourself. This is material you work with every day.  As my physics professor used to say, “Think long, think wrong.”  You can do this!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.  We would love to hear your success stories!  Best of luck on your exam!


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